Our Favorite Small Shops That Give Back In a Big Way!

Our Favorite Small Shops That Give Back in a Big Way

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! During the holidays most everyone is feeling the giving spirit and we are thrilled to help you find gifts that give back this year! We give back with our company every day and we love to see that giving spirit in other companies too! So with this list of Our Favorite Shops That Give Back In a Big Way we are bringing you our favorite small businesses who not only have amazing products, but they give back with every purchase you make! That’s magical in our humble opinion!

Better Life Bags - Better Life Bags is a custom handbag company located in the heart of Detroit, MI. Every bag is hand cut and hand sewn by a woman from their under resourced community. Your purchase gives them the opportunity to excel at a skill and provide for their families. Their interactive website makes ordering a bag fun and the mission and story behind the product makes your investment worth it. They pride ourselves on bringing you a high quality, custom product with a cause.

Out of Print - Selling bookish clothing and accessories for both your bod and your home, Out of Print specializes in literary-inspired pieces. Through a partnership with Books for Africa, they donate one book to a community in need for each product sold and as someone who values education this is a personal favorite!


Cuddle & Kind - This company is on a mission to feed children. Cuddle & Kind makes adorable hand knit dolls and with every doll purchased they give 10 meals to hungry kids. The cuteness factor on their website is through the roof and I’m thinking of buying one for myself!! I like snuggles too! I mean, look at this bunny!?!!?

Sela Designs - Sela Designs is a jewelry company that gives 100% back to charity! 100%!! From their website: “100% of the profit from Sela Designs is donated to charity. Yes, 100%. Ashleigh (the owner) has never taken a salary and plans to continue to give her time, talents and leadership to Sela Designs into the foreseeable future. The purpose of this business has always been to give big and that will never change.” Freaking amazing!

Avenue 261 - At Avenue 261 women have a voice and their founder, Nicke, is passionate about this company that she started with her daughter. From their website: “We believe that all women have a voice. Their stories deserve to be heard. We believe that, together, women can do anything. Everyday women are changing the world with their voice, their resilience, and their convictions. We are dedicated to helping those women be heard.  Each style of earring we create is named after a woman in history. Each month a portion of our profits are donated to an organization or charity that give women a voice.” 

Royal Majestees - This apparel company will help you show off your state pride while giving back to Crohn’s and Colitis research which is a big selling point for me since I suffer from Crohn’s disease just like their founder. They have many different styles in every state so this is perfect for your family member who has everything!


Wag + Gem - The most adorable shop for dog lovers you ever did see PLUS they give 20% back to shelters + rescue organizations! LOVE!

Hello World Paper Co. - Yep! That’s us! As retired teachers, Chrissy and I value education and we know that there are some children who do not have easy access to school and we want to change that so we partnered up with Pencils of Promise and hope to build an entire school with your help within the next few years!